The part I found somewhat interesting was when they took put all of us together in one giant lecture room. All the little Study Abroad Education Team people got up and said a thing or two about a certain aspect dealing with living on campus; travel, safety, health, etc. (Mom, you’ll be happy to know that I’m covered in the UK for emergency circumstances. SO if I do end up breaking my leg, the British government will foot the entire bill. *phew*). The only male on the entire team (who looked like a skinnier, poor man’s version of Huge Grant) got up and said his piece about how the University is encouraging Study Abroad Students to make video diaries and that you can sign up for this little program and get a little flip camera, keep a log, and be entered to win a contest! Hmmm, umm yes? Would any of you who are reading this care to come along on my adventures via video? Besides, I think we all know who would have the best diary, the film major, hello! Oh dear god, I take that back, the bar has been set too high! Now there are expectations! Forget I said anything about being a film major! I’ve never made a movie in my life- in fact I’m not sure I even know how to really work a camera! But seriously in all serious seriousness, I shall do some investigating into this camera deal…
A representative from the Student Union, well actually the president, excuse me (or is he the Prime Minister here?) came in and explained about all the events going on in the next two weeks for us ‘Freshers’. (“I guess it comes from the American word, Freshman? I don’t know, but that’s what we call you new first years. I didn’t come up with it”). One of the events is Human Raffling, not to be confused with Human Trafficking. This is where everyone gets a raffle ticket and you’re supposed to find the person who corresponds to your ticket. You’re then basically handcuffed to them for the next couple of hours or so and forced to mingle. This. Sounds. Like. Torture. Can you imagine? Not exactly my cup of tea, but that’s the British idea of ‘social programming’ for ya. You crazy little Brits. And I say that affectionately.
Once they released us, I took advantage of my spare time to do a little shopping. Naturally, sweaters (oh come now, you know me and my affinity for sweaters) and tights were my first real clothing purchases in London. And oh my lanta, these tights are the BEST tights I have ever worn in my life! They’re even better than my ballet tights (which I sometimes like to pass off under skirts when I’m lazy, shhh). These things are thick, yet soft, comfy and the best part… a whopping £2. Psh, yeah! Definitely going to stock up on those puppies before gong back to the states. When I got home, it was soo nice to see that there are people actually reading and enjoying my blog! Yay, shout out to you all! You make me feel like it’s worth keeping track of this craziness so thank you, thank you, thank you for reading!!!!
I finally met some of the other people on my floor other than my next door Coloradan (shout out to Sammy!) neighbor, Nick. But check. This. Out. The man is like 45! No joke. I'm living down the hall from a 45 year old British man who tried to get me to give him money to buy things for the kitchen! Umm, no, excuse me Richard, I am not going to 'chip in just a few quid' so you can have a plate. I'm going on a journey to Ikea, the Mecca of all cheap kitchen supplies, buying my own plates and pans, and putting them in my own little cupboards that have locks on them. (Locks that the University supplied for this very purpose, I'm not that crazy paranoid people!) Rumor has it that you can buy almost everything for your kitchen for under £10 from Ikea. Yeah, I know. I don't believe it, but Nick showed me his receipt and now I'm determined to go for myself. I dunno, I'm sure Richard the 45 year old was just trying to be nice and all, but I find it unnerving. He may even be worse than Alyssa, (never a good name for a girl. You know she's going to be a B just by her name, no?) my other next door neighbor from Connecticut who is too stuck up to even pretend to have a real conversation with me. And I don't even know who the other two mysterious people we share a kitchen with are. Cheers Level 7.
We met up with Haskett around 7:30 to go see the theatrical version of “The 39 Steps” which was hilllarious! It’s a play done entirely by four people; three men and a woman. These two men in particular play almost every other character in the play and were simply brilliant! It was worth watching just to see them pull of an entire play practically by themselves. And my little Hitchcock heart just got all up and excited about the little references. I did see the strangest thing on the tube on the way over to the show though. At first glance, it looked like a small bear, but was actually a giant St. Bernard sheep looking dog!
When we got back to Marylebone, Tom, Daryia and I decided to check out the much talked about bar in the basement of the building. Bar my ass, it’s more like it’s own little happening nightclub! We didn’t stay to drink, we were all a little too tired and ready for bed, but it definitely seems like something to check out and go to some other night. At least you don’t have to worry about getting home from there (my dorm is literally right next to it. I just have to trek up 8 flights of stairs is all). I finally uploaded and fixed all my pictures to my computer. My internet is too slow to actually upload them anywhere where y’all could see them, but fixing the internet is certainly on my agenda for tomorrow. Along with a trip to Greenwich! Can’t wait to stand on that golden line!
Yay! I'm so glad you got the pictures to upload! I think I love Liam. He looks super cuddly. :)